Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Home Sweet Home

Hi ya’ll!! We are finally home from our trip to Colorado and what an amazing trip it was. We left a little piece of our heart in the mountains. We will miss those gorgeous views, chill atmosphere and all the amazing people we met along the way.

Mistletoe treatments continued into week 3 and aside from some IV issues we wrapped up the week at 600 mg of mistletoe. We are working on the go forward plan but as of right now the plan will be to go to Washington DC once a week for maintenance mistletoe. I will also continue the injections I was doing prior to starting the IV mistletoe. Hopefully scans in a couple months will show improvement and reduced tumor markers. Continued prayers the mistletoe is working hard to heal the cancer within my body.

Our trip home was uneventful and unlike the trip out to Colorado, our flights were on time! We were all super excited to sleep in our own beds and to get back into the grove.

This week I am getting a port put in to help with future IV’s. With the daily treatments at Namaste it was clear that I needed a port. Being limited to only the left side (also the side where the surgery is needed to stabilize) for procedures is limiting and my veins are getting tired and scar tissue is starting to form in some of the go to veins. The right side is off limits since I had my lymph nodes removed on that side back in 2012. Procedures on the right side greatly increase my risk for lymphedema which we want to avoid at all costs.

One of the coolest parts of being in Colorado didn’t actually have anything to do with the actual State. I am not sure how she pulled it off, but my girl Emily mentioned that she had collected some cards for me to open while I was away. The night before we left she delivered a pile of cards (see photos). Cards were grouped by day with each little group containing anywhere between 3-5 cards per day. There was a LOT of LOVE packed into this little pile of cards. Each day I opened cards from so many loving and carrying people. Steve and Charlotte also had their own cards they opened which was great. The messages were so uplifting! I am not sure how Emily pulled off gathering cards from some many people but it was so amazing! I felt so loved knowing all those people were sending me positive vibes, prayers and love. 


Its only Tuesday of my first week back home and it’s been a busy one to say the least. On our flight home I told Steve I was feeling sad to be going home because I felt like I was in a little bubble in Colorado. It was just the 4 of us (us and Sydney) spending time together. My focus was on the mistletoe treatments and working with the team there. I didn’t want to come home and face the reality of more decisions to make.

Aug 14th was a little crazy for me with the humerus bone information and the port procedure being scheduled. Steve and I both initially forgot that it was also our 8th wedding anniversary. It wasn’t necessarily a joyous day full of celebration but that’s OK. This journey is really testing our vows “in sickness & in health” but we continue to face this together even though it’s not easy. I look forward to a big celebration for our 10th in a couple years!!

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