Help Erin

The Namaste Health Center located in Durango Colorado offers an
 integrative approach to cancer treatment. 

In working with my alternative doctor (Dr H) he recommends IV mistletoe because my cancer is so advanced and the rate at which the cells divided and multiplies is high. He believes I will greatly benefit from a much stronger dose of Mistletoe. IV mistletoe is 7 times stronger then the injections that I am currently doing. The Namaste Health Center comes highly recommended and we are hopeful that IV mistletoe in conjunction with other IV treatments (Vit C for example) and the conventional chemo and hormone therapy that my cancer markers will decrease in size and quantity. Learn more about mistletoe here

The expense of the Namaste treatments along with travel and lodging while I am away is costly. I will be in Colorado for approximately 3 weeks from July 24th- August 11th. We estimate the cost to be between $15-$20K. I will mostly likely need maintenance IV treatments at some point after this intense therapy has been completed, perhaps once or twice a year. I will also be going to DC once a week for IV mistletoe to continue this alternative therapy in addition to injections of mistletoe all of which is not covered by insurance.


7/21/17 - WOW!!!! The outpouring of love and support over the last 2 weeks since I updated my blog has been AMAZING and incredibly heartwarming. Thanks to the generosity of so many amazingly generous individuals we are heading to Colorado Saturday with ALL our expenses covered and more is still coming in which will be used for ongoing treatments. More than we ever imagined raising! Contributions came in from all over including the UK and Hong Kong. We are beyond blessed and humbled by each and every contribution we received from so many loving and caring individuals. We have some amazing friends and family who I love beyond words and I have to send some mad love to my work family because they are truly the greatest friends and colleagues a girl could ever ask for! We have received so much support from our Goddard family and the love for Charlotte has been so amazing. Some contributions came in from individuals who didn’t even know us personally and others only through mutual friends and family. We thank you ALL from the bottom of our heart for feeling compelled to give!!

Link to give towards future alternative treatments here

Please know that we are incredibly blessed and thankful to each and every one of you!  This world is an amazing place full of loving and caring individuals who make a difference.

With so much love from Erin, Steve & Charlotte!! 

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